
Famly Sessions S2E2: Language of Race in the Early Years

June 14, 2021

It's Season 2, Episode 2 - and it's the most important webinar we've had yet. 

When it comes to having conversations about race in the Early Years there is a common stumbling block - and that is language.

Offensive and divisive language about race is still used in the UK, there's no question of that. And yet, many people still feel uncomfortable even having discussions about race and language to try and break this chain. That's particularly true around fellow staff and children. But we have a responsibility to educate ourselves for the good of the children in our care.

That's why we wanted to invite you to a very special evening training session with one of the UK's very finest experts on race and the Early Years to help get that conversation started.

On Tuesday 8th June at 7:30pm, the brilliant Liz Pemberton will be hosting a special 40-minute session, followed by 20 minutes where I'll put your questions to her. She'll discuss:

  • What words should (and shouldn't) be used when discussing racism - and why the words we use are so important.
  • Why a 'colourblind' approach to race is dismissive and harmful.
  • Why being labelled as racist cannot be treated as more harmful than being on the receiving end of racism 
  • The different levels at which racism is perpetuated, and how it can be so much more than name-calling or overt acts of racism that cause harm.

On top of that, Liz will be providing an exclusive booklet from the presentation for you to take away afterwards to deepen and improve your practice - and you'll get a certificate to pin to your wall. If you can't attend live, your best bet is to sign up anyway and we'll send you the recording as soon as we're finished.

Sign up for your free spot today, leave your questions, or shoot them to me in an email at matt@famly.co We can't wait to have you.


This webinar is brought to you by Famly - your Early Years sidekick. To learn more about how we do that, click here.  
