Famly Sessions S2E4: Nurturing children through an inclusive and diverse lens

As Early Years educators, it may seem obvious that our role is a nurturing one, but what does it mean to have a “nurturing pedagogy”? How does this support children’s resilience and wellbeing? And how can we weave inclusion into promoting a nurturing environment?
On Wednesday 8th June at 7pm, Principal Lecturer & Chair of the LGBTQIA+ Steering Group, Aaron Bradbury will be hosting a special 40-minute session, followed by 20 minutes where I'll put your questions to him. He'll discuss:
- Defining diversity and inclusion for children from LGBT families, through a lens of child-centred practices,
- Contemporary concepts, such as developing a ‘Loving Pedagogy’, the unique child, and the voice of the child,
- How theory, such as Bronfenbrenner, can support the above approaches with your children and families.
- Developing an ethos within your setting that enables every child to be successful, resilient, and emotionally intelligent human beings.
On top of that, Aaron will be providing the slides from the presentation and a few of his articles, so you can continue to learn more after the session - and you'll get a certificate, too. What’s more, if you can't attend live, sign up anyway and we'll send you the recording as soon as we're finished.
Sign up for your free spot today (via the form on this page) and leave your questions. We can't wait to have you.
See you there!
This webinar is brought to you by Famly in partnership with Teach Early Years and https://earlyyearsreviews.co.uk/Early Years Reviews .
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Matt Arnerich
Matt Arnerich is Famly's Director of Brand & Comms. He spent his first four years at Famly looking after the articles, guides and videos Famly make, and annoying the engineers with his loud laugh. Nowadays he looks after the story of what makes Famly different, helping us to get closer to our mission to make early childhood truly valued. He's still too loud for the engineers.

Aaron Bradbury
Aaron is a Principal Lecturer in Early Childhood at Nottingham Trent University, and has been working in the Early Years for decades. He’s currently a member of the Executive Committee of the ECSDN (Early Childhood Studies Degree Network), and is the co-founder of The Early Years Academy. On top of all this, he's got an online platform for practitioners and all Early Years professionals, Early Years Reviews by Aaron, which can be accessed on the web or via his app.