
Famly Sessions #7 - How To Start a Self-Regulation Revolution with Bertram Nursery Group

April 28, 2021

As more and more of you welcome more and more children back to your settings, we know that looking after their wellbeing is going to be more crucial than ever.

Over the months of lockdown, we've been using these sessions to give you the latest thoughts advice and guidance. Now we wanted to do something a little different, and use our tried and tested format to tell a very special story.

Dr Mine Conkbayir is an award-winning author, PhD and neuroscience expert. Ursula Krystek-Walton is the Head of Early Years at Bertram Nursery group. Together, they've got a pretty special story to tell about how neuroscience, self-regulation, and a thoughtful approach to training made a huge difference to the children Betram care for.

We'll be talking about:

- What self-regulation really means

- Why we all need a basic understanding of neuroscience.

- Why it's time to throw out our behaviour policies and start again.

- Flipping the lid - and why you need to know what it means

We'll get Mine and Ursula to talk us through the whole journey, what they learned, what worked, (and what didn't), but we want your questions too. Make sure to submit them when you sign up, or send me an email at ma@famly.co.uk.

Sign up below, and reserve your spot today!


This webinar is brought to you by Famly - your Early Years sidekick. To learn more about how we do that, click here.  

To sign up for Famly Sessions 8 on the importance of play, click here.  
